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Saving Space With a Trundle Bed

Saving Space With a Trundle Bed

When working with a limited amount of space, it is important to choose and place your bedroom furniture carefully. A trundle bed works well in both a child’s room or even a guest room, saves space, and also can serve as an extra bed whenever company comes over. These beds mean that you will never be caught unprepared. A child’s room is one of the best places to put a trundle bed. Children often have to share a room when company comes over, and having a trundle bed will mean that a cousin or friend can always comfortably sleep in the extra bed. Trundle beds also work well for several children sharing a room.

Trundle beds work well for decorating a room in addition to serving as a guest bed. Kids may enjoy playing on the pull-out bed and may prefer to leave it out all the time. These beds also work well for very young children who may not be used to sleeping in a bigger bed; sleeping in the trundle part will seem more comforting and help them get used to having their own bed

A guest room is also a great place to put a trundle bed. These days, the internet has made it possible for more and more people to work from home. While this is a wonderful development, the home office often takes up the room that would normally be used for guests. However, many home offices still have room for a trundle bed; using one will allow the office to convert to a guest room and back, as needed. Guests will appreciate having such a wonderful bed, while people that work at home will appreciate the versatility of their office.

A good option for a home office might be a day bed style trundle. Day beds allow greater flexibility than normal beds, and may serve as either a couch or a bed. Most of the time, extra seating may be more useful than a bed.

An interesting feature that many trundles have is that they allow the trundle portion to pop up to the same height as the regular bed. This is particularly nice for guest rooms, because adults might not like sleeping so close to the floor. Raising the trundle to the bed creates a full size bed for two.

Not only can trundle beds be used in many different ways, but they are also available in several wonderful designs, from basic to elaborate. Depending on a person or family’s priorities as well as where it will be placed, there are many different types to choose from. Trundle beds allow extra sleeping space and versatility without taking up room that a small house cannot afford to lose.

It is also important to gather some info on the net prior to any purchases so that you can make the most informed decision possible.