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Tips To Choose The Perfect Area Rug For Your Living Space

Tips To Choose The Perfect Area Rug For Your Living Space

Choosing the right rugs for your living space can be devastating sometimes. You may have to consider several factors such as accurate size, material, right color combination, etc. In this guide, we’ve gathered some information about the basic tips you should consider while choosing a rug;

  1. The Right Size

One of the most important things to consider while choosing any rug is to choose the right size. Choosing a rug that is too large can make your room appear smaller than it is. On the other hand, a rug that is too small will immediately disappear. Therefore, it’s wise to choose the perfect size depending upon the area rugs in which it has to be placed.

  • Living Room

For a living room, it is best to choose a rug that is wider than your sofa.

  • Bedroom

Do you want a soft feeling under your feet after getting up from the bed?  Put a rug that extends out both sides of the bed. Alternatively, you can put rugs on both sides of your bed. The choice is yours!

  • Hall

For a hallway, a long rug would be a great idea. Make sure to not place it all the way to the wall. But if the hall is very long, you can place several rugs.

  • Kitchen
  • Placing a rug in a kitchen can be so useful. For an open kitchen, placing a rug that fits accurately within the size of your workspace would be a better solution.
  1. High Pile Vs. Low Pile

With a cozy look, deep-pile rugs are ideal for bedrooms and living rooms. Short pile rugs on the other hand are ideal for sleek interiors. They are ideal for the dining room, kitchen, or hallway. What’s more, their cleaning and maintenance is very easy.

  1. Material

The best way to choose the right material for your rug is to consider its user-friendliness. For the kitchen, cotton is the best rug material because it’s easy to clean. For bedrooms and living rooms, woolen rugs are ideal because of their durability and coziness.

  1. The Right Color Combination

Now comes the most interesting part—the color and pattern of the rug. Solid color rugs would be ideal for the rooms with a lot of color and motifs. And if you want to transform your rug into a statement piece, the patterned rug would do the best.

  1. Use The Space

Is your room large enough? Place your rug as an island and place the furniture over it. For smaller rooms, a small-sized rug would be preferred. Then simply place a piece of furniture right in front of it. The size of the space where your rug needs to be placed is very important to consider.

Choosing the perfect rug for your house is very important because it serves as the center of attraction. So, it needs to be aesthetically pleasing. By focusing on the above tips, you can find the perfect rug for your living space that will transform your entire interior!